Extract from Village Life January 2, 2008
Published by Life Newspapers LLC, a member of the McNaughton newspaper family.
The Bass Lake Action Committee elected its board of directors for 2008 at the membership meeting on Dec. 1. The members of the 2008 board are: President John Thomson, Vice President Kathy Prevost, Secretary Fran Thomson, Treasurer Tasha Boutselis, and director-at-large Hal Erpenbeck.
President John Thomson promised that BLAC would continue to look out for the interests of the neighborhoods along Bass Lake Road.
At the Jan. 7 meeting, Capt. Bill Donovan, California Highway Patrol commander of the Placerville station, which covers El Dorado Hils, will speak to the group.
For more information, visit www.basslakeaction.org or contact Kathy Prevost at (530) 672-6836 or kathyp@basslakeaction.org.
Extracted/transcribed by Bass Lake Action Committee